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Exchange Graph

(4 reviews)

Getting started

The Exchange Graph API provides one endpoint that accepts POST requests,

Use an access token

To access your organization's private content, obtain an access token from the Access Management portal.

Send a request

The Exchange Graph API accepts POST requests. The body of the request must be in JSON with these fields:

  "query": "{{GRAPH QUERY}}", // This field contains the graph query
  "variables": {
    "accessToken":"{{ACCESS TOKEN}}" // Send your Core Service access token (optional)

For example, to get the groupId, assetId, and version of the Mule 4.x assets, execute this request:

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{"query":"{assets(minMuleVersion:\"4.0.0\") {groupId assetId version}}"}'

Use Connected Application Authentication

  • Create a connected application (App acts on its own behalf (client credentials)) and either provide read-only access by setting the scope of Exchange Viewer, or provide read and write access by setting either the scope of Exchange Administrator or the scope of Exchange Contributor.
  • Copy the clientId and clientSecret of the connected application.
  • Use basic authentication, defining the username as ~~~Client~~~ and the password as clientId~?~clientSecret.
    • Replace clientId with the client ID.
    • Replace clientSecret with the client secret.
  • Send the request specifying the authorization in the variables object. Replace ABC123 with the base64 encoding of the concatenation of the client ID and client secret: ~~~Client~~~:clientId~?~clientSecret
  "query": "{{GRAPH QUERY}}", // This field contains the graph query
  "variables": {
    "authorization":"Basic {{ABC123}}" // Send your Core Service access token (optional)

For more information about the available ways to query the graph, see Querying the graph.

Asset Lifecycle State

To consume an asset and its lifecycle state, replace ANYPOINT_TOKEN, :groupId, :assetId, and :version with your information, and execute this command:

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: bearer ANYPOINT_TOKEN' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{"query":"{asset(groupId: \":groupId\",assetId: \":assetId\",version: \":version\"){groupId assetId version status}}"}'

To search for an asset by lifecycle state, replace ANYPOINT_TOKENwith your information, replace[development, published, deprecated]\ with your list of desired lifecycle states, and execute this command:

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: bearer ANYPOINT_TOKEN' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{"query":"{assets(status:[development, published, deprecated]){groupId assetId version status}}"}'
